Working with the design team lead by ahmm, Nicholas Pearson Associates undertook Townscape and...
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The Galleries Bristol – Consent for redevelopment secured
Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford, receives planning consent
Oxford City Council has given planning consent for the redevelopment and refurbishment of the...
Flood Risk Management – Roath, Cardiff
There is a history of flooding from the Roath Brook in Cardiff With climate change, flood risk is...
New shared space for City of Bath
Bath’s Seven Dials has recently been transformed into a vibrant civic space, showcasing ‘Shared...
University Life Sciences Project wins civic award
The University of Bristol’s new Life Sciences public realm has won a Merit Award of Excellence...
Bath City Centre: Pedestrian & Cycle Enhancements
The next phase of Bath public realm enhancements are to begin in early 2015 for two key city-centre...
Stall Street/Lower Borough Walls in Bath – a shared space approach
Nicholas Pearson Associates is working with Mott MacDonald on behalf of Bath and North East...