There is a history of flooding from the Roath Brook in Cardiff. With climate change, flood risk is predicted to increase, resulting in higher fluvial flows and an increase in the frequency of overtopping of the existing defences.
Natural Resources Wales has therefore been developing a flood risk management scheme for the area, with Nicholas Pearson Associates appointed to assist with landscape design and landscape and visual impact assessment work and preparation of verified photomontages to show how the engineering works integrate with the neighbourhood.
The Roath Brook runs through the residential area of Roath, two conservation areas and a listed park and garden. The park and gardens are highly valued by residents and are particularly sensitive.
Through careful selection of form and alignment, the flood defence proposals retain the character of the gardens and respond to the conservation areas and local character. Valued mature trees and historic park railings have been retained and locally sourced materials are integral to the design.
For further information please contact us.