Working with the design team lead by ahmm, Nicholas Pearson Associates undertook Townscape and...
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The Galleries Bristol – Consent for redevelopment secured
Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford, receives planning consent
Oxford City Council has given planning consent for the redevelopment and refurbishment of the...
National Design Guide Published
Nicholas Pearson Associates welcomes the publication of the ‘National Design Guide’ The...
New Visualisation Guidelines Published
The Landscape Institute has published a new Technical Guidance Note (06/19) for the “Visual...
Landscape Framework Appointment
We have been appointed by the University of Southampton to their new framework for the provision of...
Bristol City Council’s Urban Living SPD Consultation
The consultation period for Bristol City Council’s draft Urban Living Supplementary Planning...
Saw Close Public Realm Works Complete
The regeneration project set out to restore Saw Close as a key entertainment quarter for Bath,...
Saw Close public realm enhancements underway
Works in front of the Theatre Royal in Saw Close, Bath have begun and will create a thriving...
Are you ready to monitor significant effects?
The forthcoming revised EIA Regulations will require consideration of whether it is appropriate to...
Otters and Orchids thrive at Coopers Edge
Otters, orchids and owls are thriving at Coopers Edge, a 1900 home neighbourhood being created at...