Bristol City Council has granted planning consent for the next phase of Finzels Reach in the heart of Bristol on the city’s famous Floating Harbour. Finzels Reach is an award-winning new quarter being created by developer Cubex. The consented mixed-use development includes six connected blocks ranging from 7 to 16 storeys.
The Cubex development, located at the former Avon Fire and Rescue headquarters site, will provide approximately 13,935sqm of Grade A office floorspace within the Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone. High quality new homes will be provided for the rental market, served by a communal courtyard, roof terraces and internal amenities.
As part of a multidisciplinary team, we provided landscape design, Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, ecology survey and visualisation services. Consultation with Bristol City Council and Bristol Urban Design Forum directly informed the design of the development and streetscape renewal proposals.
The city centre site is well connected and the proposed public realm enhancements will strengthen key circulation routes. They will form part of the wider circulation network across Bristol, with direct links to Victoria Street, Temple Way and Castle Park. The proposals integrate priority pedestrian and cycle routes, create a more attractive streetscape and contribute to amenity for the local community and have been informed by Bristol City Council’s ‘Urban Living SPD’.
The verified visualisations that we prepared were key in understanding the local and wider implications of building a new tall development within the city. They were prepared to industry best practice, in particular the Landscape Institute’s ‘Visual representation of development proposals’.
For more information contact Tom Brickell.