The forthcoming revised EIA Regulations will require consideration of whether it is appropriate to require monitoring of any significant adverse environmental effects of developments, for example, through planning conditions or obligations. Monitoring will need to be appropriate, consider making provision for remedial action, and be proportionate to the proposed development and the significance of its environmental effects.
On-going monitoring can ensure that mitigation and enhancement measures are implemented as anticipated. It can also help developers manage environmental risks and respond to any problems.
Since development commenced at Cooper’s Edge, Gloucestershire, we have maintained a key role in implementing the agreed environmental mitigation and monitoring strategies. Our involvement has successfully improved the condition of Hucclecote Meadows SSSI, retained veteran trees within the development, helped Barn Owls move off-site into an adjacent mitigation area (where habitats were specifically created for them), and improved local community awareness, appreciation and enjoyment of the area’s wildlife.