The Avonmouth and Severnside Enterprise Area (ASEA) Ecology Mitigation and Flood Defence Project...
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Triple award win for ASEA Ecological Mitigation and Flood Defence Project
Volunteering at the Great Avon Wood
Earlier this month we returned to the Great Avon Wood for our second volunteering day of the year...
National Trust New Country Park for Saltram Estate
National Trust commissioned Nicholas Pearson Associates to work on landscape and ecological...
Growing together – volunteering with Avon Needs Trees
We spent a day volunteering at Great Avon Wood in January, helping local community organisation...
Green Infrastructure Vision success in asset transfer of Bathampton Meadows
Nicholas Pearson Associates provide strategic landscape assessment and green infrastructure advice...
Agile working
We use agile working practices to stay safe, our commitment to a high standard of services remains...
Jamie Farnell Appointed as Director
Jamie Farnell joins the Board of Directors at Nicholas Pearson Associates from December 2019 We...
New Visualisation Guidelines Published
The Landscape Institute has published a new Technical Guidance Note (06/19) for the “Visual...
Are you ready to monitor significant effects?
The forthcoming revised EIA Regulations will require consideration of whether it is appropriate to...
Otters and Orchids thrive at Coopers Edge
Otters, orchids and owls are thriving at Coopers Edge, a 1900 home neighbourhood being created at...