Agile working

We use agile working practices to stay safe, our commitment to a high standard of services remains. We are successfully working remotely whilst continuing to connect with our clients, collaborate with co-consultants and deliver project work. Much of our agile working practice is technology based, and therefore adaptable.

However there is no getting away from the fact that elements of our project work require site visits. Site surveys, site assessments and site photography by experienced professionals is a core part of most of our projects! Currently we are assessing each project site activity and survey schedule on a case-by-case basis. We are working with our clients to plan and assess project needs and to complete site visits where possible.  Our normal site visit risk assessment process is extended to cover COVID-19 related factors before each visit is confirmed. We will work with you to determine what work can be undertaken safety, whilst applying social distancing measures and in accordance with the latest COVID-19 workplace guidance.

All emails and the office phone number are operational. Please do phone 01225 876990 or contact Simon or Jamie directly to discuss how we can support you with current or future projects.


Jamie works successfully with a wide range of clients and stakeholders to complete projects to the highest standard. Appointed as Director of Nicholas Pearson Associates Ltd in 2019, he is actively involved in a wide range of project and advisory roles, where clients and their teams benefit from the experience and dedicated approach he brings to all his projects.

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