Oxford City Council has given planning consent for the redevelopment and refurbishment of the...
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Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford, receives planning consent
Opportunities for outdoor education – Monkton School
Design enhancements to a school courtyard have been implemented at Monkton School to create spaces...
Agile working
We use agile working practices to stay safe, our commitment to a high standard of services remains...
Jamie Farnell Appointed as Director
Jamie Farnell joins the Board of Directors at Nicholas Pearson Associates from December 2019 We...
Bath School of Art and Design Opens
Bath Spa University has opened their new campus home for Bath School of Art and Design The Grade II...
National Design Guide Published
Nicholas Pearson Associates welcomes the publication of the ‘National Design Guide’ The...
New Visualisation Guidelines Published
The Landscape Institute has published a new Technical Guidance Note (06/19) for the “Visual...
Landscape Framework Appointment
We have been appointed by the University of Southampton to their new framework for the provision of...
Consent for University of Bristol Enterprise Campus
Nicholas Pearson Associates has helped secure outline planning consent for the University of...
University of Bristol Enterprise Campus – Outline Planning Application
The new Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus will include landmark academic buildings, collaborative...