Oxford City Council has given planning consent for the redevelopment and refurbishment of the...
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Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford, receives planning consent
Opportunities for outdoor education – Monkton School
Design enhancements to a school courtyard have been implemented at Monkton School to create spaces...
Planning Consent for University of Oxford Development
The proposed scheme to alter and improve the appearance of the University of Oxford’s Castle Mill...
University of Essex scoops Green Flag award
The University of Essex has been given a 2017 Green Flag Award, recognising its commitment to...
Bath Spa University – Newton Park Planning Consent
Planning permission has been granted by Bath & North East Somerset Council for a scheme of...
Supporting our Local Community
We have always enjoyed close links with our local community, with many of our staff involved in a...
University of Essex commission Management Plan
The University of Essex has a substantial campus parkland, Wivenhoe Park, which provides an unusual...
Further Awards Success for Nicholas Pearson Associates
This year’s RICS Awards, South West, were presented in May Some 40 schemes were shortlisted...
Retrospective Environmental Statement accepted for University development
Permission was granted for the University of Oxford’s graduate accommodation at Castle Mill, near...
RIBA Awards South West
Congratulations to Mitchell Eley Gould and Sheppard Robson for having schemes, that we have...