University of Essex commission Management Plan

The University of Essex has a substantial campus parkland, Wivenhoe Park, which provides an unusual setting for University life.  NPA was commissioned to compile a new External Estate Management Plan to help shape the future development of the Campus. The Plan examines the University’s place-making potential and will be the basis for forming a fresh vision for the external realm, whilst building on the existing landscape capital.

The Plan examines and makes recommendations on how the well-maintained external estate and associated heritage and ecological attributes might become better integrated with each other, and with the rest of the University.

Opportunities have been identified to build on the quality of the existing site and website policies. Further work and monitoring programmes have been recommended. The University Grounds Team, whilst providing the ‘Brilliant Basics’ of a well-maintained campus, are ambitious to be ‘Game Changers’ on site and within the Higher Education sector.

Photograph by University of Essex
Photographs by Nicholas Pearson Associates
Photograph by Nicholas Pearson Associates
Photograph by University of Essex

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