Oxford City Council has given planning consent for the redevelopment and refurbishment of the...
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Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford, receives planning consent
Opportunities for outdoor education – Monkton School
Design enhancements to a school courtyard have been implemented at Monkton School to create spaces...
Awards won for St Antony’s College, Oxford
The Gateway Buildings, a new development at St Antony’s College, Oxford has won several awards, a...
New academic year, fresh start
The new academic year has begun, with new and returning students, embarking on the next phase of...
University of Birmingham granted planning consent
The University of Birmingham has received planning permission for the proposed redevelopment of the...
Bath Spa University residential plans given go-ahead
Bath Spa University, and Nicholas Pearson Associates, are celebrating the news that Bath and North...
University of Bristol gain planning consent
The University of Bristol gain planning consent for a further 323 student bed spaces at their Stoke...
New research published on positive effects of urban greening
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon dated in 600 BC has been cited as the earliest recorded example of...
Planning consent for Bath School
Hayesfield School has received planning consent for a new science, technology and mathematics...
Bath Spa University granted planning permission
Bath Spa University has been granted planning permission for the first phase of the Newton Park...