Awards won for St Antony’s College, Oxford

The Gateway Buildings, a new development at St Antony’s College, Oxford has won several awards, a ‘New Building’ award 2013 from Oxford Preservation Trust and Principal Winner ‘Hard Landscaping Construction – Construction cost under £300K’ at the National BALI 2013. St Antony’s has also won a Civic Trust Award 2014; which will be formally announced on the 7th March 2014.

Nicholas Pearson Associates worked with architects Bennetts Associates on the £7.5 million ‘gateway’ project, which acts as a new main entrance to the College, includes a porters’ lodge and study bedrooms, with meeting spaces and offices for College staff. We prepared landscape design proposals for the release of planning conditions and continued involvement in providing services for soft and hard landscape through the construction phase.

Awards won for St Antony’s College, Oxford

The project was completed in February 2013. To find out more about our involvement please refer to project case study.


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