The new academic year has begun, with new and returning students, embarking on the next phase of their Higher Education career this week.
We are pleased to maintain an active input across a range of our services for various Higher Education Clients in support of their aspirations for sustainable development with the provision of high quality, attractive facilities.
This week sees the unveiling of the restored historic Walled Garden at Bath Spa University’s Newton Park Campus, the first new intake at the refurbished Richmond Building, home to the University of Bristol Student Union in Clifton, the inaugural commute from the new University of Bristol Stoke Bishop Campus Bus Hub.
This September has seen the culmination of several phased construction completions at a number of our Higher Education projects.
The Walled Garden at Bath Spa University is now a haven for students and staff. Directly adjacent to the Student Union, and for the next 12 months surrounded by residential and academic construction activities at the Newton Park Campus which is in a Grade II* Registered Park and Garden. Since the University gained planning consent, the task has involved NPA staff in completing ecological mitigation and translocation work, planting design and contract administration, working closely with the University Estates Office to a tight deadline. The inaugural social event in the garden was the Fresher’s Ball.
Earlier in the year the first phase of the total refurbishment of the Richmond Building on Queens Road in Clifton was completed and included the creation of a new boulevard in front of the building and a new entrance foyer with split level access, lots of cycle parking and street furniture. The task involved NPA staff in the detailed integration of 3 significant existing trees into the new permeable paved street scene, the design of the street furniture and the design of the green/brown roof with locally sources seed. Phase 2 is progressing towards completion.
The University of Bristol Hiatt Baker Hall at the Stoke Bishop Campus is under construction with the first phase being the completion of the new bus hub. It is the first purpose built public transport node at the Campus serving around 2500 students via 4 bus halts. The completed area includes for the retention of several mature trees and provides a new café terrace with canopy area. A networks of upgraded pedestrian and cycle routes throughout the campus will facilitate access and encourage high levels of public transport uptake.
We are working on a number of other commissions for a range of clients in the Higher Education sector. For further information please contact Jamie Farnell.