Mandatory BNG comes into force on 12th February 2024

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) will be mandatory for most major developments in England from 12 February. Requirements for small sites come into effect from 2 April.

New planning applications for most major developments (as defined by the Town and Country Planning Act) in England are now required to deliver at least 10% BNG. For example, this means residential developments of 10 or more dwellings, or where the site area is greater than 0.5 hectares would be captured by BNG from the 12th of February.

Requirements for minor planning applications come into effect on 2 April.

Certain developments will be exempt from mandatory BNG, including householder applications and some self-build applications. However, some local authorities have set their own BNG policies and targets, with some requiring more than 10%.

Mandatory BNG will not apply to planning applications made before 12 February 2024.

BNG is an approach to development that is intended to leave the natural environment in a measurably better state than it was previously. The policy is a key element of the government’s ambitions to halt the decline in biodiversity by 2030.

Click here for more information on how BNG will work in practice and how our Ecologists can work with you to achieve net gain.

Call or email to contact our team to discuss how we can help you with addressing BNG through your planning applications.



Aisa is a Senior Ecologist with over nine years of experience working in ecological consultancy.

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