The quality of our Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) work continues to be recognised by IEMA, demonstrating our long-term commitment to quality practice in EIA.
We have retained our EIA Quality Mark status for the eighth consecutive year since the scheme was launched in 2011. The quality of our EIA work was first formally recognised in 1997 when we become Corporate EIA Registrants under the Institute’s predecessor scheme.
The EIA Quality Mark is a voluntary UK scheme operated by IEMA through which our EIA activity is independently reviewed to ensure that it delivers excellence in the following areas:
- EIA Management. We use effective project control and management processes to deliver quality.
- EIA Team Capabilities. We ensure that our EIA staff undertake regular and relevant continuing professional development.
- EIA Regulatory Compliance. We deliver ESs that meet the requirements of UK EIA Regulations.
- EIA Context & Influence. We ensure that all EIAs coordinated are effectively scoped and that they transparently indicate how the EIA process, and any consultation undertaken, influenced the development proposed and any alternatives considered.
- EIA Content. We undertake assessments that include robust analysis of the relevant baseline, assessment and transparent evaluation of impact significance and an effective description of measures designed to monitor and manage significant effects.
- EIA Presentation. We deliver ESs that set out environmental information in a transparent and understandable manner.
- Improving EIA practice. We enhance the profile of good quality EIA by working with IEMA to deliver case studies, articles and presentations and by making appropriate examples of our work available to the wider EIA community.
The IEMA Quality Mark helps demonstrate our ‘Competent Expert’ status in accordance with the requirements of the 2017 EIA Regulations, alongside our individual Registered EIA Practitioners.
To find out more about our Environmental Impact Assessment work please contact us.