Biodiversity is now at the forefront of local and national planning policy To ensure your project...
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Ecological survey season: timing it right!
Providing for an ageing population; International Day of Older Persons
The 1st October marks the annual ‘International Day of Older Persons’ providing for an ageing...
Silverthorne Lane, Bristol; Regeneration plans approved.
A resolution to grant planning permission for the comprehensive, mixed use regeneration...
Royal visit to Tintagel
The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall visited Tintagel Castle this month They viewed the recently...
Jamie Farnell Appointed as Director
Jamie Farnell joins the Board of Directors at Nicholas Pearson Associates from December 2019 We...
Tintagel Castle Bridge competition entries revealed
This week saw the 6 shortlisted competition entries revealed for the dramatic new bridge proposed...
Plans submitted for Swanage HRC
A planning application was submitted to Dorset County Council in December for a replacement...
Planning consent for new facilities at Hayesfield School, Bath
The proposed new Sports and Performing Arts development for Hayesfield School, Bath has been given...
Academic heights
Bristol City Council Central Area Planning Committee has granted planning approval for the...
Planning consent for Boscastle Sewage Treatment Works
Planning permission was recently granted by Cornwall County Council for a new Sewage Treatment...