A planning application was submitted to Dorset County Council in December for a replacement Household Recycling Centre (HRC) in Swanage.
The proposed facility would be larger, accessible to all members of the public and more efficient than the existing facility which is scheduled for closure. Nicholas Pearson Associates and a team of sub-consultants working with Dorset Engineering Consultancy of DCC, have designed the scheme to integrate with the existing landscape in recognition of the AONB designation and it is informed by other environmental characteristics of the site and its location.
We also co-ordinated the planning submission, together with the Design and Access Statement, Environmental Statement and other statutory documents. A decision on the application is expected in Spring 2010 with works beginning in Spring/Summer 2010 if permission is granted. Works are expected to take a year with the facility opening in Spring/Summer 2011. We are aiming to achieve a ‘Very Good’ within the CEEQUAL assessment process.