Green Infrastructure

We have been successfully designing, delivering and providing management plans for green infrastructure as part of our projects for many years. It is an integral part of the work of our award-winning, multidisciplinary team.

We will study your Site and work with you to identify urban greening opportunities which will enhance the character, amenity and biodiversity value of your project.

A collaborative approach

  • We work closely with a range of professionals, including masterplanners: engineers; architects; archaeologists; and arboriculturalists. This ensures that all of the benefits of multifunctional green infrastructure are considered and properly designed and established.  Our role within collaborative teams is key to the success of our projects.

    Applying green infrastructure principles, we prepare frameworks, strategies and detail plans for delivery that can include networks of urban parks, open spaces, play areas, playing fields, gardens, verges, SuDs features, hedgerows, trees, woodlands, grasslands and meadows.

  • When green infrastructure requirements are considered at an early site planning stage, its design can be woven into development proposals from the outset to maximise the benefits offered by well designed urban greening initiatives.

    It is vital to make the most of each site’s inherent potential so that the green infrastructure elements become a positive and attractive feature of any development. Successful green infrastructure contributes ecosystem services, enhance the wellbeing of local communities and provide habitats for wildlife.

A Quality Led Approach

Our reputation for quality of service and project success has been established over a period of more than 40 years.

Our green infrastructure and urban greening services are provided by our Chartered Landscape Architects and Ecologists, supported by in-house complementary expertise in Visualisation.

We can provide strategies to enhance existing open spaces, or create new and accessible green infrastructure networks as part of high-quality environmental design proposals that add value to developments.

Our team can work with you to integrate green infrastructure into the planning and design of your proposals at an early stage. Our understanding of long term management and maintenance requirements enable our designs to achieve cost effective long term management and biodiversity gains.

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We are here to help you

Using our extensive skills and experience, we can work with you at all stages of project planning.

Please contact one of our team to discuss how we can help you.

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To talk to a member of our team please call 01225 876990 or complete the contact form.

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