Planning Consent for University of Oxford Development

The proposed scheme to alter and improve the appearance of the University of Oxford’s Castle Mill Phase Two graduate accommodation was granted planning permission in August 2017.

Through the preparation of the retrospective Environmental Statement, it was considered that with respect to landscape and visual impacts, historical environmental impacts and impacts on ecology and nature conservation, the proposed retro-fit design mitigation strategy would deliver beneficial effects. The retro-fit proposals designed by Orme Architects and Nicholas Pearson Associates were found to provide adequate mitigation for the harm caused to the environs of Port Meadow and Oxford Conservation Areas by the shortcomings of the original development.

The alterations proposed to the existing development include changes to the appearance of the buildings through changes to colour and façade detailing, and through the introduction of semi-mature tree planting and improvements to the boundary treatments and the lighting scheme.

For more information please contact Charles Mountford.

Charles is a Chartered Member of the Landscape Institute. He has experience working in a range of sectors including education, residential and historic landscapes.

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