Phase two construction of English Heritage’s landmark footbridge and visitor infrastructure project at Tintagel Castle has commenced with works to the Island. Nicholas Pearson Associates has been integral to the scheme since pre-feasibility, and are closely involved in the live construction works.
Phase two includes a network of floating footpaths on the island itself and the installation of the scheme’s centrepiece: the double cantilevered footbridge designed by William Matthews Associates and Ney & Partners. Nicholas Pearson Associates’ carefully designed footpath scheme will provide improved visitor routes from the new bridge across the Island, whilst also protecting the irreplaceable archaeology and sensitive ecology of this Scheduled Ancient Monument and SSSI.
Helicopter lifts in October brought the first round of materials and equipment onto the Island, allowing footpath works to commence on programme. A cable crane will be used for the footbridge installation which is due to be completed this winter, with further helicopter lifts scheduled from time to time to re-supply the island site with materials for construction.
The phase two works have been carefully timed to avoid the castle’s busiest tourist period. The striking new footbridge and footpaths are expected to be open to the public by Easter 2019.