Tintagel Castle Footbridge and Footpaths – Consents

Designed by William Matthews Associates, architects, with Ney and Partners, structural engineers, the stunning and lightweight double cantilever footbridge, with a 72m span will represent the former land bridge that the Castle of Tintagel was once built on.

Following an international Architectural design competition which received over 130 entries from 27 countries, Nicholas Pearson Associates was appointed to join the winning design team by English Heritage. We have provided landscape architectural, ecological, visualisation and environmental impact assessment expertise.

The sensitivity of the site required a highly detailed and well-conceived design and consenting approach to address challenges relating to a range of ecological, geological, heritage and landscape planning designations. The thorough consultation process and detailed design work enabled Historic England to grant Scheduled Monument Consent in September and Cornwall Council to resolve to grant Planning Consent late in October.

The project is expected to be constructed during 2018 with a target opening date of Easter 2019.

For more information please contact Jamie Farnell.

Tintagel Castle Footbridge and Footpaths Tintagel Castle steps Tintagel Castle Footpaths

Jamie works successfully with a wide range of clients and stakeholders to complete projects to the highest standard. Appointed as Director of Nicholas Pearson Associates Ltd in 2019, he is actively involved in a wide range of project and advisory roles, where clients and their teams benefit from the experience and dedicated approach he brings to all his projects.

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