McCarthy & Stone recently announced that in the first five months of 2014, it secured planning consent for 31 sites in the UK. Our in-house visualisation team supports the company on many of its more challenging sites with our visually verified images.
Recent successes have included sites in Chichester, Wendover, Cromer and Harrogate, where we were also responsible for landscape design proposals. Additional projects securing consent over the past few years include sites in the North of England, the Midlands and the South West.
Planning consent was also granted for a new Tungston Mine in Hemerdon, South Devon. Earlier this month, work started at the mine which has the potential to become one of the biggest in the world. To accompany the LVIA, we produced a series of verified views to demonstrate the landscape remodeling and colour treatment of the processing plant.
We continue to produce visually verifiable montages for a wide range of for a range of clients and sectors. Working with architects, engineers & planners, we are able to construct a wide variety and 3D models for our visualisations. These often include seasonal planting, growth effect and landscape restoration.