Planning consent has been granted for the proposed Dyson Cancer Centre at the Royal United Hospitals (RUH) Bath NHS Foundation Trust. The project is the final part of the RUH’s ‘Fit for the Future’ programme to transform its site by removing old facilities and replacing them with new, innovatively-designed buildings.
We have provided landscape architectural, ecological and visualisation services as part of the planning and design process.
The Dyson Cancer Centre has been designed around the patient and their experience. It will bring together the strands of clinical excellence and therapeutic environments. It also incorporates a survivorship model of care and proactive research.
Our involvement included preparing the landscape design and green infrastructure strategy for the project. These incorporate the findings of our ecological surveys and will deliver biodiversity enhancements for the project. We also undertook landscape and visual impact assessment and prepared verified visualisations.
Health and well-being thinking is integral to the landscape design, which includes a major new garden space to provide a “Green Heart” for the hospital.
Key elements in our design include making the most of natural assets, and creating new paths and planting beds designed to provide attractive spaces and places for patients, staff and visitors to enjoy. The planting palette will change with the seasons from spring blossom, through scented flowers of summer, autumn colour to winter structure.
This project continues our successful involvement with the RUH which includes the preparation of a Green Infrastructure Strategy for the estate and consultancy support for previous projects including the new Brownsword Therapies facility.
For more information on our work, please contact Simon Kale.