South Gloucestershire Council has granted outline planning permission for a mixed used development on approximately 44ha of land between Cribbs Causeway (A4018) and the M5.
The mixed used development includes permission for up to 1,000 new dwellings, a care home, local centre, food store, community facilities and reserves land for a potential rail halt for a future passenger rail service.
NPA acted as ecologists for the project and our role included:
- undertaking a range of ecology surveys to inform the proposals,
- preparation of baseline ecology assessments,
- working with others in the design team to understand and work with the range of project constraints and opportunities, and
- preparation of an ecology chapter for the Environmental Impact Assessment.
Key ecological mitigation and enhancement measures incorporated within the proposals included:
- the retention of existing green and blue infrastructure (network of hedges and Great Crested Newt (GCN) pond),
- a proposed woodland extension to adjacent Ancient Woodland,
- the creation of a series of permanent ponds and integrated SUDS to allow expansion of GCN population, and
- the creation of a network of green spaces linked to the wider landscape (including species-rich grassland and pocket orchards).