Clare Fiennes


Clare is a Graduate Ecologist with Nicholas Pearson Associates. She is working towards chartership with the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM).

07834 752988

Clare undertakes protected species and habitat surveys, drawing on her scientific knowledge and editorial expertise to deliver high-quality reporting.


Clare’s degree in Environmental Management and Technology gives her a sound understanding of natural systems and the importance of sustainable development solutions.

She is experienced in conducting protected species and habitat surveys, GIS mapping and data analysis. Clare also draws on her editorial background to deliver high-quality written output to clients.

Clare uses her research and analytical skills to understand the ecological constraints and opportunities of a site. She takes a proactive approach to problem-solving and is experienced in working collaboratively to deliver pragmatic ecological solutions.

Project Experience

Clare has worked on projects for a range of clients within and around Bath, including works at the site of a Grade II Listed hotel, the redevelopment of a former secondary school, and the construction of a new hospital unit.

She has contributed to Bath Spa University’s Landscape and Habitat Management Plan and has been involved in tracking and analysing bat activity at sites within Bath and Bradford-on-Avon Bats Special Area of Conservation (SAC).


  • BSc (Hons)
  • MA (Hons)

Career History

  • Clare joined Nicholas Pearson Associates in 2022 after completing a BSc in Environmental Management and Technology. She has previously worked as a freelance ecologist, and as an editor and translator for a range of government, corporate, and voluntary sector clients.

Contact me

07834 752988

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