Construction works within Waterloo Gardens and Railway Gardens, as part of the Roath Flood Scheme in Cardiff have now been completed.
The scheme will increase the level of protection up to 1:75 annual chance fluvial flood event, and 1:150 annual chance tidal flood event, reducing the flood risk to hundreds of homes and numerous businesses.
Since 2014, we have worked with flood engineers Team Van Ord contributing to site analysis, landscape and visual assessment, design development, planting design, hard surfaces/wall finishes and construction stage.
The scheme has been challenging! A number of restrictions/sensitivities applied to the scheme passing through a Listed Park and Gardens, Conservation Area, cherished local greenspaces and surrounded by many specimen trees. The form, finish and position of the flood defences were critically considered.
Today we can see the flood wall, embankments and landscape, designed in keeping with the surroundings. The retained trees and new planting help soften the structures within the landscape and will continue to mature over the coming years.