NPA supports SSSI consent at Tintagel Castle

Nicholas Pearson Associates is pleased to have supported English Heritage in gaining SSSI consent for new archaeological investigations at Tintagel Castle. 

During July and August 2016, trenches will be dug in previously unexcavated locations which it is hoped will reveal more about how the people of Tintagel lived in the Post-Roman period from 5th to 6th centuries AD, and support the detailed research into the possible reconstruction of Dark Age Buildings to help visitors better understand the site’s history.

The site lies within a sensitive landscape and is designated as a SSSI.  NPA assisted with the botanical surveying of the trench locations which included nationally scarce (but considered as of least concern) species and also assisted with providing mitigation for potential impacts resulting from the investigations.   

Further information is available via the English Heritage Web Site.

For information on the Tintagel New Bridge proposals which we are also working on see the Malcolm Reading Associates web site.

For more information on the task see news from Cornwall Archaeology Unit.

Tintagel Castle Footbridge and Landscape Improvements

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