On 10 March, the Bridport Waste Management Centre scheme received a Commendation award from the Civic Trust at the awards ceremony held in Winchester.
The aim of the Civic Trust Awards is to encourage the very best in architecture and environmental design and to improve the built environment through design, sustainability, inclusiveness and accessibility. They also reward projects that offer a positive cultural, social, economic or environmental benefit to their local communities.
This award follows further successes in 2016 when the scheme won a RIBA South West Award and was Highly Commended in the RICS South West Awards, alongside a range of other industry awards.
The scheme demonstrates how an integrated, multi-disciplinary approach to environmental assessment and design can deliver a high quality scheme in a sensitive location and meet the needs of the local community.
For further details about the scheme, or the services that Nicholas Pearson Associates provides, please contact us.
Image: Graham Hunt/bridportnews.co.uk

Main image credit: © Civic Trust Awards & Jason Mardell Photography