Sibelco UK Ltd has an extensive ball clay quarrying and processing complex near Newton Abbot, Devon. Continued extraction of this internationally important mineral (used in ceramics) from below the old B3193 required a new 3km/£10m road through the sensitive Bovey Basin, linking Kingsteignton to Chudleigh Knighton.
NPA was embedded in the design team assisting in route planning, undertaking a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment for the Environmental Statement, preparing the landscape master plan and detailed planting proposals, writing specifications, and creating photomontages. The scheme also included extension of a large clay waste tip with supporting proposals for phased restoration and long term management.
Close working with the project ecologist was essential as the road crosses Greater Horseshoe bat flight routes and gaining the approval of Natural England was vital. The designs include retained and enhanced network of foraging and flight corridors using hedgerows and woodland edges.
The road was opened in November 2014 by MP Anne Marie Morris.