To comply with the 2014 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Directive, developers will soon be required to ensure that Environmental Statements (ESs) are prepared by competent experts. Competent authorities will also need to ensure that they have, or have access to, sufficient expertise to examine ESs.
In England, DCLG introduced a new requirement in the draft Town & Country Planning EIA Regulations for ESs to be prepared by persons who, in the opinion of the competent authority, have sufficient expertise to ensure their completeness and quality. ESs will also need to set out how the requirement for sufficient expertise has been met.
It is not yet clear how the wording will be phrased in the final Regulations. We are, however, confident that Nicholas Pearson Associates can already satisfy both developers and competent authorities of our competence through being IEMA EIA Quality Mark Registrants and a Landscape Institute Registered Practice. We also support our staff in achieving, or working towards, professional body accreditation, such as with IEMA and its EIA Practitioner Register, CIEEM, the Landscape Institute and the Society for the Environment.
Please contact us for further details.