• Client
    PM Asset Management
  • Location
    Staplegrove, North Taunton

As part of the masterplanning team for this landscape led scheme, we prepared a Green Infrastructure and Public Open Space Strategy for the mixed use housing development ensuring that the grain of the rural urban fringe landscape will intentionally be reinforced through the development process.

The east portion of the development, which includes around 900 new homes, a local centre, school and linking spine road, is on low lying land to the north of Taunton and south of the Quantocks Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and partially on land owned by National Trust.

The Public Open Spaces and Green Infrastructure network include veteran trees, SuDs infrastructure, ecological networks and neighbourhood walking and cycling routes. Off-site ecological enhancements for bats and dormice include 16 hectares of woodland planting.

Allocated in the Taunton Deane Borough Council Core Strategy, the North Taunton Development has been promoted through the planning system receiving outline planning consent.

Aerial photo © Keep Architects and Nicholas Pearson Associates

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