We have helped secure a delegated planning consent for the urban regeneration of the Dick Lovett car showroom site in Bath. The Site, within the Bath Enterprise Area, forms part of the Bath Western Riverside. The consented development comprises a mixed use scheme of residential and commercial uses, with public realm enhancements.
Nicholas Pearson Associates provided complementary services of Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA), and the preparation of Verified View Montages (VVMs), as part of an Environmental Statement submitted with the planning application.

We provided early advice on potential development parameters based upon the planning policy context and our experience of working on a range of development projects across the city.
The LVIA considered the existing landscape character of the site and its setting, as well as the range of local and wider views across the city, noting a range of benefits associated with the positive regeneration of the Site, including the public realm.
The high quality VVMs and CGIs that we prepared illustrated how the proposals would integrate with the local area and also with the emerging wider redevelopment of the Enterprise Area.

Our work on the project continues our involvement in the wide range of development sites and projects across Bath. Such experience, with our detailed knowledge of the locality provides added value to our clients. Our VVM work has also been recognised by Bath and North East Somerset Council as being very helpful in the positive determination of planning applications.