We initially carried out detailed landscape character and visual assessments to inform the identification and consideration of potential route improvement options. Incorporating road improvements was particularly challenging given the highly sensitive landscape context of the Blackdown Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
The engineering scheme design was informed by an understanding of key landscape and visual constraints and opportunities and consideration of other factors, including heritage, ecology, agriculture, noise and socio-economics. This resulted in a coordinated and responsive environmental design.
We were involved in consultation and prepared the landscape and visual chapter for the project environmental assessment report and WebTAG assessments. The preferred option received Devon County Council Cabinet approval.
Our values and value-led approach to Environmental Design help you to achieve your project’s potential We get to know our clients and provide pragmatic guidance and design solutions We can be [...]
Read moreOur value-driven approach to Landscape Architecture is designed to help you realise your project’s full potential We take the time to understand your goals and provide tailored design solutions [...]
Read moreOur ecologists will help you understand the biodiversity potential of your site We will get to know your site and build a consultancy relationship that you can depend on Our ecological site surveys [...]
Read moreOur talented team will help you to understand your site’s potential and visualise your site’s development opportunities We can provide you with a range of photographic and digital services to [...]
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